Free SEO tools

Use these free SEO tools to optimize your website. Track the number of words and characters, check your IP address or domain age, generate a password, detect what CMS a website is using, etc.

Free SEO tools by SE Ranking

Dozens of free services to check and optimize your website

IP Lookup

Get all the essential data on any IP address

Word Counter

Find out the exact number of words and characters in a piece of content

Password Generator

Generate strong passwords of any length in one click

Google Location Changer

Learn accurate Google search results for any location

CMS Checker

Identify what CMS is used by a website

Website Speed Checker

Check the loading speed of any website

WHOIS Lookup

Gather registration data on any domain and check its age

Subdomain Finder

Find all subdomains that are indexed by search engines

Robots.txt Generator

Create a robots.txt file to help search engines properly index your site

Robots.txt Tester

Check if any website URL is blocked by the robots.txt file

View as Googlebot

View a web page as Googlebot

Redirect Checker

Find any link's status codes, spot redirects and redirect chains.

Updates Tracker

Track ranking fluctuations across different search engines

SSL Certificate Checker

Check if the SSL certificate is correctly installed and valid

Virus Detector

Scan any website for malware

Domain Age Checker

Check any domain’s age along with additional information on creation and expiration dates.

Region Restrictions Checker

Learn whether a website has been blocked in some countries

See all

No registration required. All of the tools are available on our website 24/7.

We offer free SEO tools for anyone who wants to create and optimize their websites: digital marketing specialists, webmasters, business owners, and SEO experts.

Such services help track different website metrics that improve SEO. Plus, these tools will save your valuable time and help avoid any mistakes.

Free SEO tools for different purposes

Domain check
Content check
Other website data
Other tasks
Domain check
Learn if a domain is available, get its registration data, identify fraudulent sites and figure out if a domain has been merged with another site to falsify traffic data and the domain age.
Content check
Facilitate your work with texts: create titles and descriptions of the required length, evaluate if text ads meet the required length limits and learn how many words any text contains.
Other website data
Monitor various parameters that impact website quality and ultimately its rankings.
Other tasks
Simplify and improve the optimization process: help prevent hacking and data breaches, create SEO-friendly URLs, track ranking fluctuations.

SEO tools that anyone can use

SEO specialists
SEO specialists
Digital marketing specialists
Digital marketing specialists

How to use our free tools

It's simple—just choose the needed tool on our website and enter the required data. Then, click the button. Within seconds, you’ll find all the information you need displayed below the search bar.


Is this a trial version or are the tools completely free?
These SEO tools are completely free and can be used anytime without restriction. Just select the tool and start using it online.
Do I need to register to use the tools?
You don’t have to sign up to start using our free SEO tools. All of the services are available online without restriction.
Which of our tools are free and which are paid?
Tools that solve minor SEO tasks are available for free and are accessible on our website online. If you are looking for a complex solution to monitor your project, analyze competitors or find keywords, you have to purchase a paid subscription that is available on our website.

Get to the top of search results with the SE Ranking SEO platform

30+ tools for as low as $18 per month
100% accurate ranking position check in any region/device/search engine.
From 250 keywords per month
Check your website against 130 parameters and find out how to fix technical issues.
From 40,000 pages per month
Discover competitor strategies and analyze the entire niche.
From 20 reports per day
Expand your website’s keyword list or create a new one.
From 20 reports per day
Learn which websites link back to your competitors or clients.
From 20 domains per day
Keep tabs on the status of your backlinks and track their performance.
From 6,000 backlinks per month
Try the platform for free

Why 800,000+ users joined SE Ranking

Large databases
Analyze data on over 3 billion keywords across 68 countries, plus we are constantly expanding our list of available databases.
Add your keywords
If you work in a narrow niche and we do not have data on your search queries, just upload them manually and the service will collect all the relevant information.
Export any reports
SE Ranking doesn’t have a limit on exporting data. You can export every available report for further analysis.
Flexible pricing
You determine the price yourself by choosing the number of keywords to track and how often you want to check their ranking positions. You can pay only for the tools you actually use.
Get help at any stage
After signing up to the service, you will be contacted by a manager who will help you figure out how to work the platform and how it can benefit your project.
Lots of educational material
We offer a YouTube channel, a blog, webinars, as well as a Help Center with plenty of how-to articles and videos. We are always busy creating new formats to make it easier and quicker for you to learn SEO.
Convenient mobile ap
You can easily control your SEO strategy right from your phone. And if something doesn’t go according to plan, you will get notified.
Ability to shape the platform according to your needs
See something that doesn’t make sense, isn’t working or is missing from the platform? Just reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do.
Use the API to manage large or complex accounts more effectively. Automatically create, customize or delete projects.